Управлению геонаук концерна «Шелл» требуются исследователи и первопроходцы с широкой научной перспективой, чтобы помочь компании удовлетворять потребности в энергоносителях растущего населения планеты.
В концерне «Шелл» геонауки играют центральную роль в выполнении наших целей, связанных с удовлетворением потребностей мира в энергоносителях.
Даже в контексте сдвига баланса энергоносителей в сторону большего использования возобновляемых источников энергии ископаемое углеводородное топливо сохранит свою важность в течение многих предстоящих десятилетий. Однако процесс разведки и обнаружения источников нефти и газа становится все более сложным, что означает, что дисциплине «Геонауки» в составе концерна «Шелл» требуются самые новаторские и творческие умы, чтобы помочь обеспечить импульс прогресса.
Гео-ученые концерна «Шелл» работают в комплексных командах единомышленников, используя широкий диапазон самых передовых технологий. Принимая взвешенные и обоснованные решения, которые непосредственно влияют на работы по разведке, освоению и добыче ресурсов, гео-ученые компании вносят свой вклад в успехи производственной деятельности подразделений Бизнес-направления «Разведка и добыча» в течение всего их жизненного цикла.
Став гео-ученым в концерне «Шелл», вы сможете воспользоваться полным диапазоном преимуществ, предлагаемых нами: участвовать в программе обучения, являющейся примером для всей отрасли, составить уникальный план карьерного роста в соответствии с Вашими амбициями и способностями, а также получить уникальный опыт практической работы. Открывая возможности работы с ведущими учеными концерна «Шелл» над революционными проектами в разных регионах мира, должность в дисциплине «Геонауки» поможет вам внести свой вклад в определение путей решения энергетических проблем планеты.
Бассейн «Сивас», центральная Турция
Гео-ученые концерна «Шелл» используют широкий диапазон технологий и методологии для геологоразведки углеводородов в регионах, подобны бассейну «Сивас» - сравнительно малоизученной области в центральной Турции.
Гео-ученые концерна «Шелл» использовали методики дистанционного зондирования, чтобы провести работы по составлению детальных геологических карт лицензионных блоков бассейна «Сивас» в Турции. Методы обработки изображения, например, анализ главных компонентов, а также методы классификации были применены для определения основных литологических черт бассейна. Кроме того, был выполнен анализ цифровой модели рельефа (ЦМР), чтобы определить основные структурные особенности бассейна.
Геологическая карта, полученная в результате по результатам интерпретации спутниковой съемки стала ценной инструментов, облегчившим интерпретацию данных сейсморазведки, гравиразведки и магнитной разведки. Она стала реальным улучшением области геологического картирования, позволяющего обеспечить принятие информированных и взвешенных бизнес-решений.
Просмотрите видеофильм
Дирк Смит, Главный научный сотрудник концерна «Шелл» по геофизике
No:1 Dirk Smit - Shell Chief Scientist for Geophysics
Duration: 5:58 minutes
Shell Chief Scientist for Geophysics, Dirk Smit, discusses how innovative technologies -- sometimes developed in unusual R&D partnerships -- help energy companies to explore for harder-to-find oil and gas resources.
No:1 Dirk Smit - Shell Chief Scientist for Geophysics Transcript
[Background Music]
Electronic music.
[Video footage]
Dirk Smit on the phone in an office.
Zooms in and looks past at computer screen.
[Dirk Smit]
Geophysical technologies are going to play a crucial role...
[Dirk Smit]
to meet the world's increasing demand for energy in the decades to come.
[Dirk Smit]
A lot more hydrocarbons will be needed, as the world's population grows so fast.
[Video footage]
Sped up footage of people walking along a city street.
People walking at normal speed.
Overlaid footage of lots of people walking.
[Dirk Smit]
Having access to large new resources of oil and gas...
[Video footage]
Oil rig in sea.
[Dirk Smit]
will buy us time to make the transition to renewable energy sources.
[Video footage]
Two tractors collecting crops.
Large wind farm in arid mountain scene.
[Dirk Smit]
The challenge we geophysicists are faced with...
[Dirk Smit]
is that in the pursuit of these large, new resources...
[Video footage]
Panning over mountains.
[Dirk Smit]
we are looking for more and more difficult to find hydrocarbons.
Footage turns to a computer graphic of mountains.
[Dirk Smit]
These might be buried several kilometres in the ground...
[Dirk Smit]
hidden under complex geological formations such as salt...
Panning around same graphic of mountain.
[Dirk Smit]
located under ice shields in the Arctic...
[Video footage]
Rig in the middle of ice, looks like the Arctic.
[Dirk Smit]
or just captured in small accumulations that are simply difficult to detect.
[Dirk Smit]
Of all the international oil companies...
[Video footage]
Man standing in front of large screen with coloured graphic of mountain.
[Dirk Smit]
Shell probably has the strongest overall reputation in geophysics.
[Video footage]
Dirk Smit explaining the computer graphic to the man.
[Dirk Smit]
We are definitely in the forefront of using...
[Dirk Smit]
one of the main tools of geophysics, namely; seismic imaging.
[Video footage]
Zooms in on man listening to Dirk.
[Dirk Smit]
Seismic imaging plays an essential role in finding oil and gas deposits.
Graphic of layers beneath the earth’s surface.
Three lorries arrive on the surface.
[Dirk Smit]
We measure sound waves, bouncing off potentially hydrocarbon bearing rocks...
Image made to look like sonar being sent down from lorries into ground.
[Dirk Smit]
which we then use to compute an image of these layers below the ground...
Sound waves bounce back off the different layers below the ground.
[Dirk Smit]
or under the sea bottom.
[Dirk Smit]
Salt layers form a shield that interferes with seismic waves...
Diagram of sea bed with a salt layer running across it, above a reservoir in the sea bed.
Waves being sent from boats aimed at the reservoir.
Signals being distorted by the salt layer.
[Dirk Smit]
so that we cannot see the underlying formations.
[Dirk Smit]
A promising novel seismic technique today...
[Video footage]
Dirk standing in front of a large diagram on screen.
[Dirk Smit]
enables us to illuminate below these seismic shields.
[Dirk Smit]
Unfortunately, the technique is not cheap...
[Dirk Smit]
as it involves placing hundreds of sensors on the sea floor.
[Video footage]
Graphic of rig in sea with two boats.
Small yellow squares laid out in grid formation on sea bed.
[Dirk Smit]
Therefore we are currently only using it on a small scale.
[Dirk Smit]
But already it dramatically increased the probability of finding hydrocarbons...
[Video footage]
Coloured computer graphic of what looks like underground layers again.
Large block of green in the middle.
[Dirk Smit]
for example in the Gulf of Mexico, where this picture is taken...
[Dirk Smit]
sometimes leading to billions of dollars of value...
Another graphic of below the earth’s surface. Rotating.
[Dirk Smit]
from the hundreds of millions of barrels of oil we've discovered.
[Dirk Smit]
To deploy this measurement technique on a larger scale, costs must be reduced.
Zooming in on one portion of the diagram.
[Dirk Smit]
While its quality and robustness may need to be further improved.
Further exploring of the diagram.
[Dirk Smit]
This would allow us to make more precise measurements more often.
[Dirk Smit]
This seems an almost impossible task...
[Dirk Smit]
and it poses a significant challenge to the R&D community.
[Dirk Smit]
In Shell we are convinced that by working with partners...
[Dirk Smit]
sometimes outside our industry...
[Video footage]
Close-up of Dirk Smit writing.
[Dirk Smit]
we can develop innovative concepts that meet this challenge.
[Video footage]
Camera pans up to Dirk Smit on the phone.
[Dirk Smit]
Such unusual R&D alliances have proven to be rich sources of innovation for us.
[Dirk Smit]
One example is our collaboration with Hewlett-Packard.
[Dirk Smit]
In this project we are developing a wireless sensing network...
Simplified green landscape with five sensors spaced apart.
Rows of yellow squares placed on the field in a grid around the sensors.
A pylon type sensor lands in the middle.
[Dirk Smit]
that could revolutionise the way we gather seismic data.
[Dirk Smit]
Some day this technology may allow us to cost effectively collect...
Rows of lorries line up alongside the field of sensors.
Camera pans out to show beneath the earth’s surface.
Shows pipes going down to layers underneath.
[Dirk Smit]
up to two orders of magnitude of more seismic data...
Computerised diagrams.
[Dirk Smit]
that is more precise, more robust and can be taken more frequently.
[Dirk Smit]
This then would immediately pose another challenge.
[Text displays]
How do we process and manage all that data?
Above text on a background of computer screens with rows and rows of numbers.
[Dirk Smit]
How do we process and manage all that data?
[Dirk Smit]
This creates significant R&D challenges to the computing industry.
[Video footage]
Room full of computer hardware.
Zooms in on one row of computers.
[Dirk Smit]
Which is why such alliances are perhaps not so unusual:
[Dirk Smit]
We are pretty much driven into each other's arms.
[Dirk Smit]
What really motivates us to team up with these important players...
[Dirk Smit]
and form R&D partnerships, is to bring in more new ideas...
[Dirk Smit]
and quickly test them for applicability, to solve our challenges.
[Dirk Smit]
For geophysics that is paramount.
[Dirk Smit]
And computing, medical and defence industries, and even Hollywood...
Black screen. A computer screen with diagrams pops into one corner.
A scan of a human skull pops into another corner.
A radar scanning pops into another corner.
A camera pops into the last corner.
[Dirk Smit]
are becoming relevant to helping us solve our geophysical problems.
[Dirk Smit]
For example, the development of large- scale MRI and ultrasound techniques...
[Video footage]
MRI scanner with lots of wires showing.
Man looking closely at something with goggles on.
Some sort of drum rotating.
[Dirk Smit]
in the medical sciences, has led to interesting concepts...
[Dirk Smit]
that are also relevant in geophysics.
[Dirk Smit]
Similarly, the computer rendering and animation, used to create 3D movies...
[Video footage]
Two people with 3D googles on in the dark.
[Dirk Smit]
may help us to visualise large amounts of seismic data.
[Video footage]
Camera pans to back of the room, shows people with googles on watching a large screen with a mountain range on it. Person sitting at back of the room with same image on a computer screen.
[Dirk Smit]
In other words: We can learn something from how DreamWorks made <i>Avatar</i>.
[Video footage]
Another computer image of what looks like below the earth’s surface.
[Dirk Smit]
In fact, the pace of innovation has dramatically accelerated...
[Video footage]
A man looking at a computer screen with lots of data on it.
[Dirk Smit]
and is now more driven by market demands.
Zooms in and rotates diagram on computer screen.
[Dirk Smit]
This means we need to be flexible and willing to co-operate...
[Video footage]
Two people sitting at computer discussing image on screen.
[Dirk Smit]
with new, sometimes unexpected partners and on much more accelerated timeframes.
A man sits and explains computer diagrams.
Men listening behind him, join in and talk.
[Dirk Smit]
Of course it is one thing to increase the number of ideas by partnering...
Various computerised diagrams.
[Dirk Smit]
but to be effective you also need to cull ideas.
[Dirk Smit]
Culling early is very important.
[Video footage]
Close-up of hands at a computer keyboard with mouse.
[Dirk Smit]
I use to say: The best researcher is the one that fails fast.
[Video footage]
Looking over a man’s shoulder at diagram on computer screen.
[Dirk Smit]
You have to be able to let go and learn at the same time.
[Dirk Smit]
You may think there is a geophysicist in an attic...
[Dirk Smit]
working out a single solution that could revolutionise the business.
[Dirk Smit]
In reality it is a diverse effort. Not just a research effort...
[Dirk Smit]
but often the ideas are initiated on the business side.
[Dirk Smit]
Bringing the ideas to full maturity for innovation to be effective...
[Dirk Smit]
requires a clear line of sight...
[Dirk Smit]
and linking the research and business teams in an ongoing working relationship.
[Dirk Smit]
As the chief scientist for geophysics in Shell...
[Video footage]
Dirk Smit working at computer.
[Dirk Smit]
it is very gratifying and exciting for me to help create that vision...
[Video footage]
Dirk Smit explaining a large coloured diagram on screen.
[Dirk Smit]
and provide the space and energy for people to work together and get aligned.
[Video footage]
Dirk Smit walking in conversation with another man.
[Dirk Smit]
These are exciting times, as much more is possible today than a few years ago.
[Video footage]
Dirk and another man look at models of rigs.
[Dirk Smit]
To make full use of emerging opportunities requires courage...
[Dirk Smit]
technical intuition, combined with a good business sense...
[Dirk Smit]
and an entrepreneurial attitude.
[Dirk Smit]
I'm excited to see more and more of these qualities appearing...
[Dirk Smit]
in the technology groups, here in Shell.
[Dirk Smit]
It is these qualities; innovation spirit and drive of our people...
[Dirk Smit]
that make me confident that in 2 or 3 years Shell will be clearly ahead...
[Dirk Smit]
in getting business value from new geophysical technologies.
[Sound effect]
Shutter sound on camera, like a photo being taken.
Black and white photo of Dirk Smit smiling in front of a diagram.
Shell logo on white background.
[Text displays]
Copyright Royal Dutch Shell plc 2011
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